10th February 2023

What You Should Know About Barite

The most prevalent barium mineral, barium sulfate, is barite. Barite can be found in volcanic rock cavities, hydrothermal ore veins, sedimentary rocks like limestone, clay deposits created by the weathering of limestone, marine deposits, and sedimentary rocks. Large tabular crystals, rosette-like aggregates of those crystals, or diverging plates known as crested barite are some of the frequent crystal shapes. In the manufacturing of barium compounds, drilling muds for oil and gas wells, fillers for paper, fabric, and phonograph records, white pigment, and inert bodies for colored paints are all examples of commercial uses for ground barite.

Properties of Barite

The primary distinguishing characteristic of this light-colored mineral is its very high specific gravity. It can also be recognized by the fact that it is insoluble in acid. Its orange fluorescence and the green flames that appear during flame tests allow it to be recognized from anhydrite and celestite. It can be distinguished from fluorites by its crystal structure, cleavages, and lack of fluorite fluorescence.

Uses of Barite

Numerous significant commercial and industrial applications for this mineral ore include:

1. Barite is primarily employed as a weighting agent for drilling mud, accounting for 77% of the total amount discovered. This material's non-magnetic characteristics make it more advantageous for this use since they prevent interference with the magnetic measurements of the borehole during the entire operation.

2. Barite, whether blue, black, gray, or brown, is frequently utilized to dig petroleum wells. The hue of the Barite is chosen based on the ore body.

3. This is the primary ore of the metal barium.

4. It is also employed as a filler in paint and plastic. It is used in various engine compartments to reduce noise.

5. Smooth, corrosion-resistant truck and car paints are made using this material.

6. It is utilized in glass ceramics and radiation-shielding cement.

Additionally, this mineral has uses in medicine. Before doing a contrast CAT scan, it is utilized for a barium meal or an upper gastrointestinal series.

7. This mineral was used to make barium hydroxide, which was utilized to refine sugar.

8. In the past, it was also utilized as a paint, textile, and paper pigment.

View more: https://www.trade-global.com/barite.html